A good number of people from all over the world have availed LASIK surgery and this procedure is fast getting popular. However, just like other surgical procedures, it also involves some risks as well as recovery and healing processes. A few patients might risk facing complications including a slow healing process when compared to a healthy person. Hence, if you plan to avail this procedure, then you contact a good doctor. They will first evaluate comprehensively your whole body and eyes to determine your fitness for the procedure.
Overcoming Fears
Many people are recommended to undergo LASIK surgery for vision correction purposes. But many tend to fear this surgical procedure. If you are concerned about the procedure, then you should first do some thorough research and find out details about it. Being well-informed will allow you to do away with your fears. The truth is LASIK presently is more advanced than what it was being offered during the initial years of its introduction. Over 93% of patients seem to be satisfied with their surgical results.
Why Tests Are Recommended before LASIK Surgery?
It is necessary to reduce complications and risks associated with this procedure as well as to optimize the results derived. To ensure this, your doctor will perform several tests before conducting the procedure. The results derived from the tests will clearly state whether you are eligible for the procedure or not. If you are recommended to undergo it, then you should also get to know the lasik surgery cost in India. Knowing the amount involved will ensure you are financially prepared.
Some Tests Required before Lasik Surgery
1. Corneal composition, thickness and shape: Corneal flap formation is desired for performing LASIK surgery. The cornea is to be healthy so that it can withstand easily trauma faced and heal quickly. Your ophthalmologist will evaluate your cornea’s composition, shape and thickness. Corneal topography is performed to map the cornea as well as measure its curvature.
2. Comprehensive Ocular Evaluation: Your eye health will be evaluated in detail, the analysis of which helps the doctor to obtain vital eye-related information. It also includes measuring required corrections and current prescriptions. Also is determined if there is ocular redness or infection due to which you might not be eligible.
3. Refractive Error: The refractive error type is also evaluated carefully like astigmatism, farsightedness or nearsightedness. To be eligible for the procedure, you are to have at least a year’s stable prescription. This aspect is vital and will be evaluated carefully by your doctor.
4. Intraocular Pressure: Before performing Laser eye surgery in Delhi, the doctor evaluates the eye’s intraocular pressure. If there is an experienced pressure build-up within the eye, then the optic nerve could be damaged, thus affecting seriously your vision. This can be the result of the eye’s abnormal drainage system.
5. Pupil Size Measurement: This is vital to predict accurately the side effects that you might experience after surgery. In case your pupil size is large, then there is an increased risk of experiencing halos and glare after surgery. Fortunately, these days, doctors use advanced technology when dealing with bigger pupil sizes, thus involving fewer side effects.
6. Tear Film Tests: Tear film level over the eyes is also evaluated by the doctor. Perhaps, your tear duct’s functioning may be assessed. After LASIK surgery, experiencing a good amount of tears including having good tear film can help reduce unwanted complications and side effects. It also ensures accelerating of corneal healing.
7. Wavefront Analysis: Wavefront testing is an advanced technique that helps determine the cornea’s site-specific errors. Patients experience less dependency when defining errors with this particular method.
8. Binocular Vision Evaluation: A few patients are found to suffer from binocular vision issues. It is likely to affect LASIK surgical results. Such patients are reported to also suffer from muscle alignment issues as well as lazy eyes during their childhood.
9. Retinal Evaluation: Before the surgery, you may be required to avail comprehensive retinal assessment. Many patients experiencing severe myopia may have a retinal hole that the doctor seals. Once the retinal hearing is over, the surgery is conducted.