When blurred vision and other optical issues make it tough for focusing on any object clearly, the need of visiting the ophthalmologist arises. Whether it is myopia, hypermetropia or astigmatism, the acuity of vision can be attained by reaching out to the best laser surgery specialist. However, when it comes to clinically assessing visual acuity, then, it implies the realistic overview to be examined in the comprehensive test by the doctor. The sharpness of vision is determined through acuity of vision, wherein, if the person has 20/20 vision, then, he can see the details of the object in the same way even when its position is at 20kms away from him. If you are planning to get eye complications corrected through contoura vision Lasik surgery, then, here are some of the basic facts which should be explored initially.
To start with, the ability to read even small letters, numbers or any characters on a reading chart at a clinic from a distance improves when visual acuity is attained. Basically, 20/20 is the normal vision, wherein, the sharpness of vision increases after the individual undergoes the Laser assisted eye surgery.
Prior to undergoing the visual acuity test, the person is seated at a distance of 20 feet and based on the observations of the reading test, the customized contoura vision Lasik surgery treatment is planned. This eye surgery is suitable for people who want to bid adieu to the glasses or rather corrective glasses and achieve normal vision.
How to Test the Visual Acuity?
Among the various tests of checking the sharpness of the vision, Snellen and random E are the most common ways of identifying the issues.
Snellen Test: In simple words, when the doctor measure the visual acuity, he uses a chart for testing the eyes’ activeness through letters or symbols. This Snellen test has multiple rows with bigger and smaller sized letters or symbols. You will be required to cover one of the eyes and stand at 20 feet away from the chart while identifying as well as reading the letters or symbols aloud. The process of reading the content on the chart of each row as the text becomes smaller with one eye and repeating the same with other eye helps the doctor in knowing the visual acuity level.
Random E Test: In this test, rather than listing all the other letters, the different angles of Es are placed on the chart in the eye test. To be precise, the capital E letter facing different directions (Up, down, left and right) with various sized texts is used for testing the sharpness of vision. The whole idea of this test is to identify all the Es clearly and it should be noted that results of this tests are calculated in the similar way as the Snellen test.
How to know if you have 20/20 Vision?
Based on the results of the test which are evaluated in the form of fraction indicate the eligibility for the Lasik laser eye surgery and its safe outcome. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that the above fraction denotes the distance at which you have been seated (which is mostly 20) and the bottom number shows the average distance at which a normal person could read that same line.
How to achieve 20/20 Vision or better?
One can achieve 20/20 vision by wearing spectacles or contact lenses. However, if you want a permanent solution, Laser Eye surgery is the way out. Contoura Vision Lasik Surgery is one such type of Laser treatment that has the ability to provide perfect or better than perfect visual results. The major expectations after the Lasik surgery for vision correction include keeping out the need of eyeglasses or contact lenses, excellent vision, improved ability to perform activities such as sports, swimming or see clock in the morning, etc.
Things to consider before undergoing Contoura Vision Lasik Surgery
The foremost factor which influences the eligibility for the Contoura Vision Lasik eye surgery pertains to healthy eyes. Besides, if you have moderate refractive errors and not experiencing any unusual eye issue, then, laser assisted surgery will be a considerable option for you. Following are some of the essential considerations for contoura Lasik vision correction procedure:
- No signs of eye disease or thinning of cornea should be apparent during the evaluation of the eye.
- If the age related vision correction is required due to lesser visual acuity, then, Lasik surgery can be beneficial.
- The dry eyes condition and inflammation of eyes along with the history of cataract may make you a poor candidate for Lasik surgery.
- You should not have auto-immune disorders or any medical conditions like uncontrolled diabetes or taking steroids in order to get visual acuity through Lasik surgery.
- The stability of vision also plays a crucial role in making the laser eye surgery successful.
Apart from the above information, it can be added that after the surgery, the corneal irregularities are smoothened and the surgery gets executed in a painless way. Last, but, not the least, the contoura vision treatment delivers accurate & precise results as it uses advanced lasers such as Femto laser, Excimer laser and Topolyser laser.