LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Lasik Surgery

Is LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Worth The Cost? A Comparative Analysis

Your vision is crucially important for an independent and happy existence. Eye problems are common. So are their treatments. Presently, you can find many options for treating eye issues. Laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis or Lasik eye surgery is one of them. The treat has become especially popular as it can provide a perfect alternative to contact lenses and glasses.

Understanding the problem

Normally the cornea refracts light perfectly on the retina situated at the eye rear. However if you have vision issues the light is bent inappropriately, generating blurred vision. The refraction can be corrected with contact lenses and glasses. However, you can also reshape the cornea so that the erroneous refraction is corrected.

Using Lasik for treatment

In Lasik surgery, a cutting laser is used to change the dome-shaped clear tissue located in the front of your eyes. The shape of this tissue is changed, so that the overall vision is improved. The procedure is neat and quick. Often one session is enough for treating the issue. In rare cases, a second session can be needed.

Cost factor

This is elective surgery. As a result, the Lasik laser eye surgery cost is often not covered by any insurance company. This is modern technology and is done in some of the best clinics in the city. Top-rated surgeons doing the surgery will guarantee a greater success rate for the patients. Hence the price that you pay for the surgery can give you a healthy vision for life. Hence you must make all the required investigations and make preparations to pay it on your own.

Perfect for several conditions

Lasik surgery can be useful for different kinds of vision problems. It is suitable to treat conditions of myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness, and astigmatism – a condition where the cornea flattens or curves unevenly. Hence most people who need to wear contact lenses or glasses can be benefitted from the Lasik surgery procedure.

Very popular treatment procedure

Lasik eye surgery is one of the most popular eye treatment approaches. Needless to say, this treatment method comes with several pros and advantages. Quintessentially this is a procedure that suits many people. You need to take a look at its advantages and benefits, to sum up its popularity.

Quick and safe

This is one of the fastest treatment options. Lasik eye surgeries can be over within a matter of twenty minutes. Again maximum of this time is used to create the setup for the surgery and make just the initial preparations. The actual procedure is over even before the patient understands. Patients are often given valium or other nerve-soothing medicines if they feel tense.

Quick results

A very big advantage of this treatment procedure is that the patients do not need very long hours to regain their normal vision. Patients who have experienced this treatment have testified that they have been able to see normally within a few hours. You can regain your normal life and activities within a couple of days. 

Prop free vision

A problem in your vision results in you getting dependent on visual support props like glasses and contact lenses. However with the help of this surgery now you can enjoy normal vision and can enjoy it without using glasses or contact lenses. This will allow you to live a fully active life.

Not for all

Now that we have discussed the advantages of this treatment procedure w need to discuss certain drawbacks for a proper comparative analysis. On the flip side, this treatment might not be a suitable option for some people. Especially people who are forty years or older will not be advised to get this surgery. Yet again people with autoimmune disorders, HIV, using immunosuppressive medicines, persistent dry eyes, breastfeeding, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, eye injuries, cataracts, and glaucoma will not be advised to get this surgery.

Side effects

The percentage of risk involved in this surgery and the chances of things going wrong at the end of the day is quite low. Lasik surgery is known to be one of the safest eye treatments. It is not known to have very severe side effects. Some of the common ones that you might have to face are dry eyes, double vision, halo, glare, over-corrections, under-corrections, and regression. Sometimes the person might have to experience astigmatism due to uneven removal of cornea tissues. Sometimes there can be changes in vision or loss for a very small time. However, all of these problems are temporary and they get better with time.

Preparations are crucial 

In any medical invasive treatment, preparations are crucial. If you wish to have a successful surgery you must make proper preparations. These planning and preparations must be done for the actual surgery and also for the recovery period. Find out all the important information related to the procedure. One of the most important pieces of information which you must have is the cost factor of the surgery. Make all preparations and arrangements in this context.

The experts and clinic matters

One of the deciding aspects that can make a world of a difference to the final results of the procedure is the expert doing the surgery and also the place or clinic where it is being done. This is a modern procedure and is highly technology intensive. This is why you must opt for the best clinics and the top specialists in the city. This is how you can be sure of getting quality treatment for your eyes.

Wrapping up

On a concluding note, it can be said that Lasik laser eye surgery is one of the best treatment options that can correct faulty vision. This can be done without the help of glasses and contact lenses. The procedure is safe, easy, and affordable. No wonder it has become the first choice of so many specialists and common people alike. It offers complete value against the investments it demands from people looking for a corrected vision.